As for the second set of readings, Understanding Twenty-First Century Public Relations, I find it useful as we definitely need to know how Public Relations has evolved over the years through various factors. I strongly agree to the fact that what (Chia, 2009) has pointed out, public relations is developing in different stages according to social, political and economic circumstances, and to the developments of countries and regions, and is underpinned by ideologies that often reflect dominant cultures. Just like how Western cultures are different fro non-Western cultures such as countries in Asia, the Public Relations methods tend to be different as well. I feel that the definition of Public Relations: discipline which looks after reputation, with the aim of earning understanding and support and influencing public opinion and behavior. It is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between and organisation and its public (Edward, 2006) is a precise and good way of defining PR. However, the issue about how far should Public Relations consider the interest of the public and the organisation still remains as an ethic issue that has raised much controversy. This will be discussed further in the debate that is held on Week4.
Once again, the importance of theory was stated. I was quite amazed by the fact that in Public Relations itself, there are so many components. This includes "internal communication management", "external networking", "crisis management", "research" etceteras. Of all the components, I personally feel that Im most interested in the "external networking" component. This is so as I hope to have a change to work in different environment and I feel that if I can do external networking, I am able to work with different organisations. Towards the end, I feel that being a Public Relations practitioner is not easy at all. In fact, it is quite tough and as I look at the case study given, a lot of research and planning has to be done, goals, one has to be sure of objectives and strategies as well.

Indeed, every job has its own challenges.
When it comes to publicity in a foreign region, it's important to understand the culture diversity. The Dos and Don'ts within the culture might be the very reason for the success/ failure of a campaign.
ReplyDeleteIt is important for PR practitioners, perhaps the future us, to know how public relations has evolved over the years. We can learn from past experiences and adjust and adapt ourselves to challenges in this area in future. Albeit a tough and challenging job, this job can help us hone our interpersonal and communication skills, which are important life skills even when talking to our family and friends.